Developing an Anticipatory Action System

Woman in a crowd with her hands together and smiling
3 hours
Developing an Anticipatory Action System
Agriculture & Food Security
Delivery Modality
Online guided
Online self-paced
Risk Information
Climate and Disaster Risk Assessment
Early Warning Systems
Risk-Informed Planning
Preparedness and Response Planning
Civil Society & Community-Based Organizations
NDMO/Civil Protection
Private Sector
Sectoral Ministries
UN Staff
Last Updated

Acting early before a disaster has actually happened or reached its peak is critical: it can save lives and protect livelihoods from the immediate shocks, as well as protecting long-term development gains by increasing the resilience of local communities over time.

Using a series of examples and case studies from different countries and contexts, this course provides guidance to set-up an anticipatory action system, i.e. a set of provisions to link early warning signals to anticipatory action options and implementation arrangements. 

The course focuses on anticipatory action in the context of food security and agriculture.

You will learn about

  • Anticipatory action and its role within the risk management system
  • Ranking disaster risks in a given location to determine the priorities for anticipatory action
  • Assessing available early warning information
  • Setting-up an early warning system
  • Using a crisis timeline to identify windows of opportunities for anticipatory action
  • Prioritizing anticipatory actions and preparing an Anticipatory Action Plan
  • Analysing the impact of anticipatory action projects