Essential Needs Assessment

Essential Needs Assessment

In this five-part insight series, we will unpack the Essential Needs assessments and introduce you to the key concepts, tools and methodology and how they are conducted by WFP and partners in practice.

Learning Objectives:

  • Develop indicators for an Essential Needs Assessment
  • Profiling households in an Essential Needs Assessment
  • Conduct an Essential Needs Assessment

Cash and Voucher Transfers

Cash and Voucher Transfers

The Cash and Voucher “Programme” module is part of the wider e-learning course on Cash and Voucher transfers designed by WFP to inform staff on cash-based transfers programming. It offers an overview of:

  • Programme’s role and responsibilities to effectively select the most appropriate transfer modalities
  • Tasks to be undertaken to implement C&V operations

The module informs on assessments conducted under the programme’s responsibility, steps to be undertaken to choose the most appropriate transfer modality, process to calculate the ex-ante cost efficiency and effectiveness analysis, and other information on C&V operational set-up and disaggregation of duties in the Distribution Cycle.

Back to Basics: Food Security Assessment

Back to Basics: Food Security Assessment

An interactive course that gives you an overview of food security assessments, in particular guiding you through the planning and data collection phases of conducting an assessment.

Learning Objectives:

  • Review the key factors to consider before conducting an assessment
  • Choose the proper type of assessment
  • Distinguish the phases of an assessment
  • Identify the key tasks for planning an assessment
  • Take proper actions to ensure reliable assessment data