Insights from the May 2024 CADRI Mission

Experts assembled for the preliminary findings workshop on May 23, 2024
Insights from the May 2024 CADRI Mission

In May 2024, Djibouti embarked on an initiative to enhance its disaster resilience through a capacity diagnosis mission assisted by the CADRI Partnership. Conducted from May 12th to 23rd, the mission aimed to assess and strengthen the capacities of Djibouti’s national and local systems to manage climate-related and disaster risks.

The primary goal of the mission was to provide actionable recommendations to improve early warning systems, disaster preparedness and response, and risk reduction in socio-economically critical sectors. The mission covered areas such as Djibouti City and the regions of Tadjourah, Obock, Dikhil, Ali Sabieh, and Arta, focusing on 5 priority sectors i.e., WASH, food security and environment, infrastructure, human mobility, and health.

The capacity diagnosis mission was a joint effort between the government (Ministry of Interior), the Resident Coordinator Office Djibouti, and the United Nations Country Team, assisted by the CADRI Partnership. 

The CADRI mission team included national government ministries such as the Ministry of Interior focusing on governance and emergency operations, the Ministry of Health addressing public health issues, and the Ministry of Environment dealing with environmental and climate change impacts. The United Nations System was represented at the country level by FAO focusing on agricultural and food security issues, IOM focusing on mobility and infrastructure, WHO public health, UNDP covering environment and risk management, UNDRR on risk governance, UNHCR on refugee responses, UNICEF with emergency response and WASH initiatives, and WFP handling food security monitoring. Regional and international expertise was provided by IOM, FAO, UNOCHA, and UNDAC. 

Over the duration of the mission, consultations were held with 22 central institutions, 39 local institutions, 3 civil society organizations, and 16 multi and bilateral partners, ensuring a broad and inclusive consultative process. The government bodies consulted included the Executive Secretariat for Disaster Risk Management (SEGRC), the Office of the Minister of Interior, the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Prefecture of Djibouti, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Ministry of Urban Planning, Environment and Tourism, the National Office for Assistance to Refugees and Disaster Victims, and the National Office of Civil Protection. Among the UNCT, consulted were FAO, UNDP, IOM, WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, ILO, UNEP, UNDRR, WFP, UNDSS, and UNHCR. Additionally, humanitarian and development partners such as the Djibouti Red Crescent Society, the French Development Agency (AFD), USAID, the commands of the Chinese, Italian, and French bases, local NGOs, and the representation of the European Union were also met.


CADRI members on a field visit to Tadjourah and Arta on May 21, 2024
CADRI members on a field visit to Tadjourah and Arta on May 21, 2024


The field visits conducted in the 5 regions (Tadjourah, Obock, Dikhil, Ali Sabieh, and Arta) provided direct insights into the local challenges, and vulnerabilities and enabled face-to-face interactions with the local stakeholders. These visits facilitated interactions with regional and municipal authorities and community leaders, particularly focusing on how local capacities can be aligned with national Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) strategies.


Experts gathered for the validation workshop on May 23, 2024
Experts gathered for the validation workshop on May 23, 2024


The mission culminated in a workshop on May 23rd, where preliminary findings were presented. Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Madar, the Secretary Executive of Disaster and Risk Management, emphasized Djibouti’s high vulnerability to the adverse effects of climate change, such as droughts and floods. The workshop aimed to highlight the main findings and pave the way to align the findings with the development of Djibouti’s national strategy for DRR, consistent with the goals of the Sendai Framework for DRR 2015 - 2030.

The mission's outcomes will be documented in the CADRI capacity diagnosis report detailing the findings from the mission and providing targeted recommendations. These will be instrumental in shaping national policy documents and the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework for 2025 - 2030. The immediate next steps involve validating these recommendations and mobilizing the required resources for their implementation.