Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation in the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework

Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation in the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework

Millions of people are falling back into poverty each year due to shocks ranging from both localized severe weather to major disaster events including drought, floods and storms and, as demonstrated by COVID-19, pandemic and epidemic disease.

To help build resilience to climate and disaster risks, countries must be supported to identify and leverage relevant technical, financial, and organizational capacities in all sectors of society. The Guidance Note is intended to help Resident Coordinator Offices and UN Country Teams. It outlines the impacts of climate and disaster risks on progress towards achieving the SDGs and suggests appropriate actions for each phase in the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework lifecycle to make them risk-informed.


For in-person training inquiries, please contact us at undrr-incheon@un.org.

Please note that in-person training is provided upon request.

An orientation to using the online Sendai Framework Monitor

An orientation to using the online Sendai Framework Monitor

About This Course

In March 2018, the Sendai Framework Monitor was launched by United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) as the official tool to report on global and national implementation progress of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 (SFDRR), as well as related targets of the Sustainable Development Goals.

This course from UNDRR and Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) aims to train government officials and relevant stakeholders involved in reporting national progress using the online Sendai Framework Monitor. The course is comprised of video lectures, online Monitor tutorials, discussion boards, and short assessments.

As a self-paced course, pick and choose relevant modules, or complete all modules and assessments to receive a Certificate of Completion at the end of this course. To receive a Certificate of Completion, you must pass 75% of the quizzes.

Video transcripts for this course are now available in English, Chinese, Korean, Russian and Spanish.

What you will learn

  • An overview of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030
  • How to set up the online Sendai Framework Monitor and organize your country institutions for reporting
  • How to report on each target of the Sendai Framework using the online Sendai Framework Monitor

Urban Risk Reduction and Making Cities Resilient: Development of Local Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies

Urban Risk Reduction and Making Cities Resilient: Development of Local Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies

Over the past 20 years, disasters have affected billions of people, caused USD$ trillions of damage, and killed millions of people. Disasters have affected people living in developing countries and, in particular, the most vulnerable communities within these countries.

Particularly in the context of increased urbanization, the urban risk continues to rise. The vulnerability of cities to disasters is growing especially as poor people settle in high-risk urban areas. Unfortunately, the planning and development of cities have given little consideration to the consequences of hazards such as earthquakes, hydro-meteorological risks, and others. The implication of this reality is the need for countries to focus on creating a safer world for urban dwellers and developing a series of innovative approaches to build resilience.

On the basis of these needs, UNITAR in partnership with UNDRR has developed the e-learning course “Making Cities Resilient: Developing Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience Strategies”.

This e-learning course aims to strengthen the capacities of government officials, especially those at the local level, and disaster management professionals to design and implement plans and programs that reduce disaster risk and enhance resilience.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Raise awareness about the Making Cities Resilient 2030 (MCR2030) initiative services and tools
  • Identify initiatives and best practices on how to integrate disaster risk reduction and climate change adoption into urban planning
  • Assess the risk management situation in their cities by using a tool
  • Develop a safe and resilient country/city action plan
  • Analyze the purpose, the goals, and the outcome of the Sendai Framework for DRR

Resilience of local governments: A multi-sectoral approach to integrate public health and disaster risk management

Resilience of local governments: A multi-sectoral approach to integrate public health and disaster risk management

In line with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, SDG 11.B and SDG 3.D, this e-Learning Course offered by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) and its Global Education and Training Institute (GETI), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) aims to contribute to strengthening the capacity of local government officials for risk reduction and resilience planning inclusive of health threats management.

In view of current and emerging risks to public health and the need for more effective coordination and management of resources, this course presents two frameworks that provide guidance on how to integrate public health systems and disaster risk management:

UNDRR’s Disaster Resilience Scorecard for Cities: Public Health System Resilience - Addendum Consultative Version 2.0 aims to serve as a tool to strengthen the local governance resilience by ensuring that public health issues are taken into consideration when planning for disaster risk reduction/resilience.

WHO’s Health Emergency and Disaster Risk Management Framework (Health EDRM) provides a comprehensive approach that can be applied by all actors in health and other sectors who are working to reduce health risks and consequences of emergencies and disasters, and build the resilience of health systems, communities and countries.

Learning objectives

At the end of each module, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize the Disaster Resilience Scorecard for Cities
  • Recognize and utilize the Public Health Addendum as a supplement to UNDRR’s Disaster Resilience Scorecard for Cities, developed to help address the public health implications of major disasters
  • Identify policy considerations to reduce risks and consequences of emergencies and disasters
  • Recognize concepts, guiding principles, components, and functions of effective Health EDRM
  • Utilize the Disaster Resilience Scorecard for Cities: Public Health System Resilience Addendum Consultative Version 2.0 as a tool to strengthen and integrate coverage of the many aspects of public health that are relevant to disaster planning, mitigation and response, helping to ensure the integration of public health issues in disaster risk management