Ecosystem Restoration

Shallow blue waters showing corals
25 hours
Ecosystem Restoration
Delivery Modality
Online guided
Online self-paced
Risk-Informed Planning
Ecosystem-based Solutions
Resilient Recovery & Reconstruction
Civil Society & Community-Based Organizations
NDMO/Civil Protection
Sectoral Ministries
UN Staff
Last Updated

In this self-paced course you will learn to develop a step-by-step ecosystem restoration plan and apply effective restoration solutions in your national and subnational context.

The course serves as an introduction to the Short-Term Action Plan on Ecosystem Restoration (STAPER) - a flexible framework adopted by the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity to support, inter alia, governments in the development and implementation of their national restoration strategies. The course is geared to government representatives interested in creating a blueprint for ecosystem restoration at the national or subnational level, but is open to everyone.

Learning Objectives:

By the time you complete the course, you will be able to:

  • Define ecosystem restoration and explain its importance 
  • Outline the types of ecosystems and ecosystem services
  • Explain approaches to and principles of restoration 
  • Understand how stakeholder participation and inclusive and gender-responsive planning are critical to your restoration project
  • Place restoration in the context of large-scale initiatives and agreements
  • Understand the steps and activities involved in developing a plan for ecosystem restoration
  • Tailor your restoration plan based on real-world examples 
  • Conceptualize the application of the Short-Term Action Plan on Ecosystem Restoration in your context